måndag 9. februar 2009

Jeg falt - Levende nedfallsfrukt (PIF 38)

Gammel kassett utgivelse fra Norsia (i Bodø) ble nylig solgt på Ebay for 62 dollar (ca 400,-). Narvik duoen Jeg falt sitt album Levende nedfallsfrukt ble utgitt på Requiem Productions i 1983 i en rekke forskjellige håndlagde cover (ingen er identiske). Slet med å få solgt ca 30 eksemplarer den gang da, men nå ligger den gratis til nedlasting på Requiem www.

Old cassette i gave out in 1983 that was sold on Ebay for US $62,10. This was an album by the Narvik duo Jeg Falt (i fell) named Levende nedfallsfrukt (living windfall fruit) that i was struggling hard to sell about 30 copies off back then. All had handmade covers since i couldn't afford to get a Xerox copy cover. All info was written by hand, by me. It has been available as free download from Requiem www for a while now.

Gratis nedlasting her (ny link!)

Free download here (new link!)

Here is a video from one off the many tracks on this album;

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Thank you for this! I found this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKDvqpsdOAI) video, some time ago. I love it.