måndag 12. november 2007

Untitled (PIF 26)

Untitled came in several cover variations, all made by Runar Karlsen.

De pravity (et bein). After being in several experimental Bodø outfits like “ “ Part, Remi Langmo teamed up with Jon Hveding. They had a whole bunch off names on their projects/duos/bands. Most off them is to be found on the Bla bla vol. 1 compilation cassette. One off these projects was De Pravity (et bein). They did a concerts as a trio including Buster from “ “ Part, but on this contribution they was a duo.

After a while with several names they ended up as PLX-15 and were a pre-techno duo (later trio) that released several cassettes and was included on compilations. Got not much attention since they was before their time. They toured a lot but without much success, so they broke up.

Langmo has after PLX-15 broke up, been solo artist under several names, like Remi and Wiipoor Will. He has released cassettes under both those names. Before, at the same time and after DE Pravity (et bein) broke up, he was in bands like The Gate, X-omatic, Manna, Humdinger and H.C. Electronic Orchestra.

Hveding moved to Oslo at the end off PLX-15. There he has been in a lot off bands like Behind Bars, Wantoslam, Bøyen beng, Crossbreed, Drunk a.o. They was all into punk and HC and they has released several albums, except Wantoslam that has tracks on compilations too look back at. Especially Bøyen beng toured a lot, also in Europe. They even had a minor commercial hit with the track “Månebarn”. After moving back to Bodø late in the 90`s he startet postpunk outfit HumdinGer. Later he quit to be a fulltime member off the reggae band Manna, and still is.

Fâlx Çèrebri. For more information visit his MySpace, you find it here.

Famlende forsøk. The band was started early in the 80`s and have since released a lot off cassettes and two LPs. They have also several tracks on compilations. Started as a band heavily influenced by the Industrial Records wave of band from the 70`s, like Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle and others. They soon left the trademark off their origins and have since that, never looked back. FF plays a strange and experimental music somewhere between Faust and Einstürzende neubauten, with a heavy dose Nurse With Wound and has not ever sounded like any off these bands. They sound like FF, that’s it.

Before and at the same time as they was involved in FF they has played in several bands and solo projects. Most off them are on compilations or on their own releases on the bands label Shit Tapes that changed name to Chaos some years ago. Off all this side bands/projects I assume that The Smell Of Incense is the most well known.

Here are som links that might be off interest; #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11

Dan Mc Kinney. I could not find any info about McKinney on the internet. There is a piano player with the same name, but I don’t think it’s the same person.

Konstruktivits. For more info visit the official www here.

GX Jupitter Larsen & the Haters. For more info here are some www addresses; #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11

Martin Howard Naylor. Could not find much info on Mr. Naylor on the internet. So here is a quote for you written by Dave Henderson in the mid 80`s; “After a brief flirtation with classical music Naylor built his own synth and started experimenting with sound. Setting up his own cassette/video label, Sorcerer Sound Productions (34, Bassingham Road, Wembley, Middx) he developed his own sound system and becoming a member of the London Musicians Collective he began to experiment with eastern instruments. A sample of his work can be heard on the Cause For Concern cassette compilation 'A Sudden Surge Of Power' (see CFC) and information and other tapes can be obtained direct from SSP.” From Dave Henderson’s “Wild Planet” series in Sounds, between 1983 and 1984.

Ny gate. Pop band that came out off the ruins from the punk band The Gate in Bodø early in the 80`s. On vocals they had Peter Pogo and the lyrics were a mix between punkish socialism and pure love songs. Ny gate was a good live band that got out a cassette and then a mini LP before they broke up. They was among the first bands from the punk/post punk area out of North of Norway to tour in Scandinavia. The band moved to Oslo at a late stage off their career, but it didn’t help them. They broke up late 80`s.

System liliput. For more info, look at the last blog entry before this one.

Termisk sammenbrudd. Before Ny gate had broke up Peter Pogo had a project called Termisk sammenbrudd. This was a synth outfit that he started as a duo with Kmysle. After their debut concert it has been a solo project. As that he has done a few concerts and made ballet music for a ballet that Amanda Steggell made.
Petter Pogo as Termisk sammenbrudd (Foto; Linn Stemland)
He had played in one off Bodøs first punk bands Hjertesvikt A/S before Termisk sammenbrudd. He quit after Hjertesvikt A/S had released their split cassette with The Gate. After Ny gate broke up he was involved in several Oslo bands like And The Balcony Fell, Bøyen beng, Pogomax, T-zers, Schweinhund a.o. Most known are his time in Jokke & Valentinerne, that later had line up changes and ended up like Jokke & Tourettes. Jokke is probably the most known composer off rock in Norway during the last 20 years. After his tragic death there has even been a road called up after him in Oslo. After this he has played in several bands like Valentourettes, SS Bondevik, Ronny Pøbel and in St. Thomas backingband, among many others. He has a silver medal in the Norwegian airguitar competition NM i luftgitar (!).

Vous. This was a solo project from Johnny Larssen. First he released two cassettes under his birth name, one off them was a split release with Martin Howard Naylor, before he ended up as Vous. As that he did a concert and then not doing music for several years.

Before he went solo he was living in Narvik, Norway. Here he was involved in several bands. Two off these has gone down in the history of Norwegian music as worth mention. First off all he was in the punk band Kriminel Ungdom. They changed their musically style to postpunk and had several line up changes before they ended up as Krim. U. As this they were on the cassette compilation “Null problem” and became a big underground band. At the same time he played in the progrock influenced band Slakt. They got out an album and then broke up. Since then they have had several reunion concerts.

He moved to Bodø early in the 80`s and went solo. After a break from music he came back as bass player in the postpunk influenced band Den tid…den sorg during the 90`s. Since then he has played in several bands in the more or less postpunk area from HumdinGer to Blaakraft among others.

Download Untitled here.

Also released on the Ferric Archaeology blogg, and on the Wet Dreams blogg.

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

utrolig bra at du har en slik blogg! masse utrolig bra musikk fra (nord) norge (med noe fra andre steder) man ikke har fått kjennskap til før! vous er brutalt bra og ny gate låten her må jo være 80 tallets koseskapønk låt (bedre enn baby tonight). strålende!

Anonym sa...

Godt med positiv tilbakemelding. Skal si ifra til Vous at det er folk som liker det han gjorde på 80 tallet. Han spiller bass i pubpønk bandet HumdinGer (som jeg har lagt ut første albumet her på Paranoia) som torsdag 22 nov gir ut ett 10" picture disc album. Utgiver er www.gotogaterecords.com.

Ny gate hadde faktisk mye bra pop, mini LPen var bra men savnet noen låter. Deres kassett som kom før LPen var mer i stil med bidraget på Untitled. Mer variasjon og litt skarpere i kantene. Uansett var Ny gae ett meget bra popband.

Anonym sa...

Kjempebra blogg! Går det an å ønske seg Karlsøy Prestegaard (Dyret 666 + 7-tommere)?

Anonym sa...

Karlsøy skal vistnok gjennutgis så det må i såfall bli hvis så ike skjer. Vanvittig bra plate. Første 7" har en ørliten forskjell på Khomeini ellers prikk lik LP versjonene og Barn av lyset 7" er bra. Den finner man på soundtrack CDen til Karlsøya mellom rock, geiter og Muhammed filmen.

Anonym sa...

Tusen takk!


Anonym sa...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!